Copyright © 1995-2015, Todd C. South | Version: 7 | Site Creation: November 15, 1995 |
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Tao Te Ching |
XMas Album 2003 |
XMas Album 2005 |
I'm a computer geek for hire, singer-songwriter, recordist & sound tech, amateur historian, movie buff, promoter of independent music and youth involvement with the arts. I love good food & drink; Alton Brown is da bomb, yo. I'm the big bald guy that hosts open mic and showcase nights at cafés and the like. In other incarnations I've been both a professional musician and computer geek. I have been married twice. I love spending time with my wife, my four grown kids, and my family & friends. In fact, I believe that the only riches worth having in this world are family and friends; no amount of money can compensate for the lack thereof. I guess that makes me a sentimentalist. So be it. Facebook - Todd South Twitter - Todd South Reno Music Project Burning Peace |